• download awp_city


    download awp_city

    Name: download awp_city
    Category: Download
    Published: tramacsparpos1983
    Language: English
























    Start the Planets >G15/G37 Error Codes Edit. The actual voice communication is currently on (This can change dynamically): So in summary, make sure the following are opened (Outbound), and if you are having difficulties make sure you have port forwards enabled for the UDP ports: Name Protocol Ports HTTP TCP 80 HTTPS TCP 443. Protocol Ports UDP 20040 - 20199. Error Description G2 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G3 Error Video card may be insufficient. If updating the video card drivers doesn’t work a new video card may be necessary. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G4 Error There is a temporary issue with the game servers that prevents players from logging in. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G7 Error This error can have multiple causes. Check disk space. Clear some space until at least 15GB are available. Uninstall and reinstall the game. A reinstall will fix any corrupted files that can keep the game from running. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G8 Error A game file is corrupt. Uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G9 Error Log out of the game and the LaunchPad, then reopen the LaunchPad and log in again. If the error occurs repeatedly, a full uninstall and reinstall of the game may be required. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G10 Error There is an issue with your character. Please contact In-Game Support. G11 Error These errors can indicate a number of different issues. A common solution is simply uninstalling and reinstalling the game. Also, if you're running the game through Steam, Steam should be run as an administrator. If this does not work, please contact Technical Support. G12 Error G13 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G14 Error There is a temporary issue with the game servers. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G15 Error A firewall or virus protection program is preventing PlanetSide 2 from running. Set any firewalls and antivirus programs to allow PlanetSide 2 ,(specifically launchpad.exe, awesomiumprocess.exe and planetside2.exe . Find the steps to allow the game to bypass your protection programs here. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G16 Error G17 Error Update your video card drivers. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G18 Error Your character failed to load. Please log out and log in again. If this doesn’t work please contact In-Game Support. G19 Error Your computer may be out of memory. Turn down the game’s graphics settings (shadows, textures, graphics quality, etc.) via the in-game Settings menu. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G20 Error G21 Error Certain files have been corrupted. Uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G22 Error PlanetSide 2 cannot find certain files needed to play. Log out then log in again. If this doesn’t work, uninstall and reinstall the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G23 Error There was a connection issue when downloading the needed files. Log out and log in again, or retry uninstalling and reinstalling the game. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G24 Error There was an issue starting the game’s video. Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer's website. If that doesn’t work a new video card may be required. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G25 Error This is a very common error and indicates that there was an issue accessing your video card. Update your video card drivers from the manufacturer's website. If that doesn't work a new video card may be needed. Find out your video card details by entering "dxdiag" in Run Commands. G26 Error Your game client is out of date and needs to be patched. If the error persists, please contact Technical Support. G27 Error G30 Error The client failed to receive a session ID from the server. These errors are usually isolated incidents and should not be recurring. Simply close the client and open it again. If you continue to receive the error contact Technical Support. G37 Error This indicates a connection issue with the Login Server. Please try these troubleshooting steps to resolve the problem. Contact support if you can't fix the problem using these steps. G99 Error There is an issue connecting to the login server. The servers may be down for maintenance or game updates. Please wait a few minutes and try again a. Launchpad, Patching, and our Web site/web stats are on the standard ports. Voicechat is a SIP based application, that can change and be dynamic. The standard ports and initial SIP request will be made on: However please take note that the voice server is dynamic, it could change ports, but that port information will be relayed through the proxy on port HTTPS (TCP-443). little later. Be sure to check the forums for announcements on planned server shutdowns and estimated downtimes. Protocol Port UDP 5062. Planetside 2 Error Codes. If there has been no notification of a server shutdown, validate your game files from the LaunchPad and make sure that Planetside 2.exe, awesomiumprocess.exe and launchpad.exe are all set as exceptions in your firewall/antivirus program(s). Here are ports that the game uses so that you can update your routers/port forwards to successfully play the game. If the game crashes you will get directed to an internet page with one of the following error codes. The PlanetSide 2 Game Client uses the following for login, character select, and the worlds/zones: G10 Error Code Edit.




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