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    85648 fxp rz driver download xp

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    2009-08-22, 12:48 Link # 161. No. As of now, the Kanon patch does not work with the newest version of Kanon, a.k.a. Kanon ME. The SEEN and map files of the patch are too old for Kanon ME's new version of REALLIVE, and Kanon ME has trouble locating the patch's SEEN files. Go to Page. AnimeSuki Forums. If anyone finds more data to update this list with, feel free to notify me. Search Forums Tag Search Advanced Search. Community Links Social Groups Pictures & Albums Members List. About ripping PSP voices and putting them into Kanon ME, that may be a problem too. I haven't tried it, but this new version of REALLIVE will probably rear its ugly head again in such a situation. I am pretty sure that Tomoyo and Tomoya have the same voice actors as they did from Clannad. Yes, Tomoya is voiced. ______________________________ This means that a final patch exists. This means no patch exists for this game in any of its incarnations. This means that a beta patch exists, and has good chance of working with the game's ME version. This means that no patch that works with the game's ME version exists. This means that a beta patch exists, and works with the game's ME version, not necessarily flawlessly and without a little dirty work. Current Statuses of Key 10th Memorial Box's Games and their Patches Kanon ME - NDT's patch, written for Kanon SE, works with Kanon ME, but only after modifying Kanon ME. Menus are translated but game cannot find NDT's SEEN. Their patch needs a new map that is compatible with Reallive However, there is a way to change Kanon ME into a Kanon SE enviroment so that NDT's patch will get working. See my post below. AIR ME - no patch exists. There's word of one being compiled from the existing translations at TLWiki. CLANNAD ME - baka-tsuki's current CLANNAD FV files work with CLANNAD ME, but only after replacing the ME Reallive with a ver. Essentially the same solution as with Kanon, but getting the right files from CLANNAD's SVN can be a little tricky. I got the FV screenshot from http://www.assembla.com/spaces/clannad/documents, replaced all included files with their newest versions, and replaced CLANNAD ME's Reallive. Got the Reallive from hell. Tomoyo After - no patch exists. Planetarian ME - insani's patch, written for the download version of Planetarian, does not work with any CD version of Planetarian. When patch is modified to work with original CD release of Planetarian, the modded patch does not work with Planetarian ME. A dialog stating the program's failure to find patch.ui pops up nonstop, and continuously restarts the game. No possible solutions in sight. Little Busters! Esctacy ME - #fluffy's (?) current beta patch works with Little Busters! Esctacy ME, yielding the same results and problems as installing the patch onto Little Busters! Esctacy (SE). Strangely, when starting the game, a prompt asking to insert the DVD pops up continuosly; it won't go away, even when either of the two LB!EX ME discs are in the computer. The only way to get around this is with a NoDVD patch. #fluffy has stated that they'll make a LB! patch that will work with LB!EX; it won't translate any new content, it'll just stop the glitches that occur when the patch is installed. (This by no means means that they won't translate LB!EX's new content) ::update:: Fluffy's making a patch for LB, then a patch for ME. The ME patch will translate all new/changed content. Page 9 of 11 « First 9 10 11 > AnimeSuki Forum > Anime Related Topics > Visual Novels, Mobage & Anime Spin-Off Games KEY 10th anniversary: Memorial Box.




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